“Sacrifice for the country, dedication for them”

이대웅 기자  dwlee@chtoday.co.kr   |  

Housing welfarefor veterans’ families

▲협약식 모습.
▲협약식 모습.

“Volunteerspublic construction rental housing” supply is gainingmomentum
-Business Agreement Between United Nations Allies Cultureal Exchanges League. Inc, and Heerim Co., Ltd Architects & Engineers

On March 3, the United Nations Allies Cultural Exchanges League. Inc, (UNACEL, Chairman Doo-Gun Kim, 김두건) signed a business agreement at the headquarters of Heerim Co., Ltd (Heerim).

The two companies signed a strategic business agreement to supply “Public construction rental housing” for people of national merit (venues for veterans) and their immediate family.

The No. 1 real estate consulting firm R2 Korea Real Estate Advisor Co,. Ltd(CEO “Lee Hyun”) will form TF team (Task Force) with a law firm and an accounting firm for
final inspection of project feasibility and preparation for the government's qualification examination.

At this meeting, the chairman emphasized that 26 local project sites were prepared for the housing supply business that is converted to sale after 10 years of lease for “the bereaved families who sacrificed and devoted themselves for the country”.

In this form, he revealed that he was promoting the “Social Overhead Capital(SOC)” project, which combines private and capital investment and the supply of 240,000 units was announced expanding from the previously announced 160,000 units.

Heerim is an excellent company that was selected as the first “World Class 300” company in then architectural design and engineering industry and entered as a good company in the KOSDAQ market, the only company in Korea.

This excellent company that does not miss the highest ranking in the industry as a company that provides total services from initial planning such as architectural design and construction management (CM) to business feasibility analysis and master plan to post management of buildings.

Mok-woon Lee, head of the design division (Vice president), who attended this event along with Gyu-yong Park, head of the residential health care division of Heerim said, "It is an honor to do this meaningful project together, saying, "We must not forget the people of merit who have dedicated their lives for the country."

Through 50 years of Heerim's infrastructure and accumulated know-how, he expressed his feelings that he would be grateful for the provision of a high-quality residential environment and gained great sympathy from the attendees.

With this, a grandiose TF team was formed to “supply public construction rental housing for veterans and their families” that the UNACEL had been promoting.

The goal of realizing stable housing welfare provision for people of national merit is expected to be accelerated in the coming years.

유엔참전국문화교류연맹(이사장 김두건)은 3월 3일 (주)희림종합건축사사무소(희림) 본사 회의실에서 업무협약을 체결했다.

양사는 국가유공자(보훈가족)와 직계 가족을 위한 복지주택 ‘공공건설임대주택’ 공급을 위해 전략적 업무협약을 체결하고, 이와 별도로 국내업계 1위 부동산컨설팅(알투코리아부동산투자자문(주) 이현 대표이사), 법무법인, 회계법인 등이 사업 타당성을 최종 점검하고, 정부의 적격성심사 준비를 위한 컨소시엄(TF)을 결성한다.

이 자리에서 이사장은 “나라를 위해 희생하고 헌신하신 유가족들을 위해, 10년 임대 후 분양으로 전환되는 주택 공급 사업에 필요한 전국 26개 지역 사업예정지를 준비했다”며 “민간의 투자자본과 참신한 아이디어가 결합된 ‘민간제안형 사회기반시설(SOC)’사업을 추진한다. 종전 발표한 16만 호에서 확대해 24만호를 공급할 것”이라고 밝혔다.

희림은 건축설계 및 엔지니어링 업계 최초 ‘월드클래스 300’ 기업에 선정되고 국내 유일 코스닥시장에서 우량종목기업에 진입될 만큼, 건축설계, 건설사업관리(CM)는 물론 사업타당성분석, 마스터플랜 등 초기 기획부터 건축물에 대한 사후 관리까지 토털서비스를 제공해 업계 최고 순위를 놓치지 않는 우수한 기업이다.

이 자리에 희림 주거헬스케어부문 박규용 부문장과 함께 참석한 이목운 설계부문 대표(현 부회장)는 “국가를 위해 헌신한 유공자 분들을 우리는 잊으면 안 된다”며 “뜻깊은 사업을 함께 하게 되어 영광”이라고 전했다.

이 대표는 “50년을 이어온 희림의 인프라와 축척된 노하우를 통해, 질 높은 주거환경 공급으로 감사의 마음을 대신하겠다”고 말하면서 참석자들로부터 공감을 얻었다.

이로써 연맹이 그동안 추진하던 ‘보훈복지 공공건설임대주택’ 공급이 매머드급 프로젝트사업팀(TF)을 통해 결성, 위축된 국내건설 경기회복을 이끌고 국가유공자와 보훈 가족의 안정적 주거복지를 실현할 날이 앞당겨질 전망이다.

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